Friday, July 23, 2010

Reasoning by Analogy

Chapter 12 covers the topic of reasoning by analogy. While I have taught this course before, the texts that I have chosen have covered many forms of reasoning, not just one or two. I used to use a book called "Everyday Argumentation", but have since switched over to the Epstein text for a number of reasons.

Other forms of reasoning I cover in my other classes are:

1). Reasoning by Analogy
2). Sign Reasoning
3). Causal Reasoning
4). Reasoning by Criteria
5). Reasoning by Example
6). Inductive
7). Deductive

You can click on the links above to take you to another webpage that explains different types of reasoning. While I do not encourage students to use wikipedia as a source on formal papers (at least until more regulation is in place for wikipedia), it is a great place to start research. The bottom of most wikipedia pages will have a list of resources. That list is a students best friend, not the wikipedia page itself.

You are more than welcome to apply any of these types of reasoning to your final projects in this course. Since you must apply a number of course concepts, feel free to use this list of reasoning when writing your final papers.

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